- 1. Deoxyribonucleic Acid.
- 4. The balance of internal conditions.
- 5. Smallest unit capable of all life functions
- 6. More complex cells. Ex: plants and animals.
- 8. Organisms that use sunlight to make food.
- 13. Examples of this Kingdom are Protozoans and algae.
- 16. Entire organism is made up of one single cell.
- 18. The simplest cells. Ex: bacteria.
- 19. Organisms that eat plants.
- 2. Organisms that can make their own food.
- 3. A living organism made up of many specialized cells.
- 7. Organisms that use chemicals as energy.
- 9. Scientists that identify and name organisms.
- 10. Organisms that eat plants and meat.
- 11. Organisms that cannot make their own food, must consume other organisms.
- 12. The first taxonomist.
- 14. Change over time, in order to survive within changing environments.
- 15. Examples of this Kingdom are mushrooms and yeasts.
- 17. Organisms that eat meat.
- 20. The study of all living things.