Biomed Kids

  1. 2. Most disorganised biomedder who has lots of 'blonde' moments despite not being blonde
  2. 5. Most organised biomedder who talks very loud and tells lots of stories
  3. 6. girl who has a lot of relationships with men in uniform
  4. 8. very tall girl who makes herself taller by wearing very tall heels
  5. 10. drug dealer of biomed
  6. 11. The nice guy who everybody loves
  7. 13. arrogant indie kid
  8. 14. gets extremely drunk and then aces a midsem the next day
  9. 15. person on a plane right now :(
  1. 1. most awesome, beautiful, smart and caring person in biomed
  2. 3. your favourite person in biomed (sarcasm)
  3. 4. haven't seen her since she got a boyfriend
  4. 5. gets drunk after a sip of champagne
  5. 7. female member of g6
  6. 9. always wears shorts
  7. 12. girl who broke Xavier Livy's heart </3
  8. 16. valedictorian