- 2. The watering of land by artificial means.
- 6. The fraction of light any given surface will reflect.
- 8. How far any point is from the equator, latitude lines run from east to west.
- 10. When an organism repeatedly appears in an area.
- 15. Agriculture for the sole purpose of business or money.
- 17. Foods that have been modified on the genetic level whether by direct interference or by selective breeding.
- 19. An area that can be classified through the present animals and plants.
- 20. A large scale claiming of land through buying or leasing.
- 21. Referring to the salt levels of a given object.
- 23. Everything within a certain area that interacts with one another to create a sustainable area.
- 24. (UN)all people, at all times, have physical social and economic access to sufficient safe and nutritious food that meets their food preferences and dietary needs for an active and healthy life
- 25. The system where energy and matter is transferred through organic and in-organic parts of an environment.
- 26. The prevailing weather in a certain area.
- 27. The farming of aquatic creatures or plants.
- 28. Places of the Earth where living organisms may be found.
- 29. A unit of pressure.
- 1. Farming without the use of artificial fertilizers or pesticides
- 3. A form of farming / agriculture used on a slope where areas are split into flat step-like levels.
- 4. A farming technique where a plot of land is left without sowing for one or more plant cycles to promote the regeneration of organic matter while retaining moisture.
- 5. Amount of food in storage at one time.
- 7. The ability to keep at a certain level or form.
- 9. When both the input and output of a system reaches an equilibrium despite the changes of both input and output levels.
- 11. A period of time wherein a boost in technology resulted in large yields of crop and produce.
- 12. A farming technique where plots of land cycle through plants to ensure that there is harvest throughout the year.
- 13. Lines of constant atmospheric pressure.
- 14. The processes in which water is changed and transported.
- 16. Radiation given off by a solar source, for example the sun.
- 18. The farming of a single plant or animal.
- 22. A large variety when referring to living organisms within a particular area.