Biomes & Landforms

  1. 2. Low land between hills or mountains
  2. 4. Land with water on all sides
  3. 6. Zone of the first few hundred meters deep of the ocean
  4. 9. Where the freshwater of a river meets the saltwater of the ocean
  5. 11. One of the two main types of rainforests. Moderate temperatures.
  6. 13. An area that is populated mostly by grasses and other non-woody plants
  7. 14. Type of forest that mostly contains coniferous trees
  8. 15. Extremely cold and dry biome
  9. 17. Zone between the highest high tide line and the lowest low tide line
  10. 19. Area of land with water on three sides
  1. 1. Group of land ecosystems with similar climates and organisms
  2. 3. Features on the earth's surface
  3. 5. Receive less than 25 cm of rain per year
  4. 7. Number of continents on earth
  5. 8. Too deep for plants to grow on the bottom, so algae grow and float on top of the water
  6. 10. High steep-sided area rising above the surrounding land
  7. 12. Shallow enough for sunlight to hit bottom
  8. 15. One of the two main types of rainforests. Warm and humid temperatures
  9. 16. Type of tree that sheds its leaves and grows new ones each year
  10. 18. Zone below the surface zone