Biomes of the World

  1. 2. season when trees lose their leaves
  2. 5. a tree with cones
  3. 7. trees that keep their leaves
  4. 9. animals sleep during the winter
  5. 13. trees with big leaves
  6. 14. has all four seasons
  7. 15. season when wildflowers bloom
  8. 17. cold grasslands with no trees
  9. 18. warm/hot all year
  10. 20. grasslands of central asia
  11. 22. cold desert behind the Himalayas
  12. 23. temperate grasslands in South America
  13. 24. season when it snows
  1. 1. found on mountains
  2. 3. mild climate and found in SoCal
  3. 4. moving to another place at season change
  4. 6. frozen soil in the tundra
  5. 8. forests with lots of rain all year
  6. 10. hot desert in North Africa
  7. 11. trees that lose their leaves
  8. 12. biome with low rainfall
  9. 16. used to keep warm
  10. 19. covers the north and south pole
  11. 21. tropical grasslands in africa