Biosphere Part 1

  1. 1. natural home or environment of an organism
  2. 3. living factors in the environment
  3. 5. Trophic level one has the __________ organims
  4. 7. a group of interbreeding organisms living in the same area (all of the deer in the forest)
  5. 9. An interaction in which one organism kills another for food
  6. 11. A relationship where both organisms benefit
  7. 12. Only eats plants to get energy
  8. 14. An organism that cannot make its own food.
  9. 18. Overall weather in an area over a long period of time
  10. 21. Trophic level 4 has the ______ amount of organisms
  11. 23. the process in which water droplets turn into water vapor
  12. 25. the process in which water vapor turns back into water droplets
  13. 26. Second order consumer (herbivore or omnivore)
  14. 27. organisms being eaten
  15. 29. First order consumers (herbivores)
  16. 30. Eats both plants and animals to get energy
  17. 31. A close interaction between species in which one of the species live in or on the other
  18. 32. The condition of Earth's atmosphere at a particular time and place.
  1. 2. non-living factors in the environment
  2. 4. Only eats meat to get energy
  3. 6. Two species having the same requirements for resources to impact their growth, one species may succeed over the other
  4. 8. An organism that makes its own food
  5. 10. Earth's primary source of energy
  6. 13. A relationship in which one organism benefits, while the other organism is neither harmed nor helped
  7. 15. role an organism plays in a community
  8. 16. consumes all or part of the body of another
  9. 17. any plant or animal
  10. 19. organism that feeds on plant and animal remains and other dead matter
  11. 20. Third order consumer (carnivore)
  12. 22. all the organisms living in the same area AND their nonliving environment
  13. 23. the study of the interaction between organisms and the environment
  14. 24. Is a relationship in which one organism obtains its food at the expense of another organism, the host.
  15. 28. An organism that gets its energy from breaking down dead organisms