
  1. 3. Is a group of diseases that causes too much sugar in the bloodstream. Can usually be controlled by insulin.
  2. 4. When humans use natural biological processes to solve a human problem.
  3. 6. A scientist who studies the processes that allow cells to work.(two words, leave space out)
  4. 9. Microscopic, single cell organism that can be found in diverse environments. They can be used to make insulin to treat people with diabetes.
  5. 10. Doctors inject healthy DNA into a person’s cell to replace damaged DNA for specific disorders.
  1. 1. A branch of science that studies the chemical processes in biological (living) systems.
  2. 2. A process when humans choose specific traits they want and breed organisms together for those specific traits. (two words, leave space out)
  3. 5. Part of a chromosome that is inherited from the parent(s) and determine some of an organism’s characteristics.
  4. 7. Genetic material that holds the unique code for each organism.
  5. 8. A characteristic belonging to a population or organism. Humans can manipulate traits through artificial selection.