
  1. 2. They have webbed feet with three toes in the front joined by a skin called web,and one in the back
  2. 3. A bird's body is streamlined and shaped like a _____
  3. 4. Small and fluffy and cover the birds body, keeping it warm
  4. 7. long and flat, attached to the wings and tail,and helps the bird to fly
  5. 9. Wings move upward and backward
  6. 10. The bird that makes its nest by swing leaves using its needle like beak
  7. 11. The bird that makes its nest in the hollow of a tree
  8. 13. Wings move down and forwards
  1. 1. They have two toes which point upwards and two which points downwards
  2. 5. The bird that collects sticks to make a cup like nest
  3. 6. They have thin and long legs with spread out toes, helping them to walk on soft surfaces near the water's edge
  4. 7. A bird has wings made up of ______
  5. 8. A bird has very light body made up of ______ bones
  6. 11. The bird that weaves grass in and out to make its nest
  7. 12. The bird that collects pebbles and stones to nest on the ground