
  1. 2. how old I am
  2. 5. tax-free withdrawal retirement savings account
  3. 8. You get this instead of a ...
  4. 10. my frat
  5. 11. maker of your graphics card
  6. 14. band of music guys with high-pitched voices
  7. 16. something you refuse to do when using YT
  8. 19. Our cell phone service provider
  9. 21. description of you based on your age
  10. 22. you are almost ... my age
  11. 23. two word brand name of your CPU
  12. 24. Your phone is manufactured by ...
  1. 1. The thing I always complain about watching minecraft on your PC
  2. 3. My phone is manufactured by...
  3. 4. your favorite video game
  4. 6. last name of the main starfleet museum guy
  5. 7. shorthand name for your frat (according to wikipedia)
  6. 9. I currently work in the ... industry
  7. 10. Noah and I are ... years apart
  8. 12. last name of your corporate overlord
  9. 13. refresh rate of your monitors, in Hz
  10. 15. cool nerdy YT channel you recommended
  11. 17. Mentor's classification of you based on age
  12. 18. executive board position I hold in my frat
  13. 20. other cool annual celebration coming up in a few days