- 2. #1 ND football fan from years ago
- 6. Reggae party
- 7. name grandkids called your dad
- 8. your reference to early morning hair
- 10. name of local dance company
- 11. BVI boat name
- 12. We ___ you!
- 14. largest natural Indiana lake
- 17. first home city
- 20. first home street
- 21. Popular dance move from the past
- 25. played in high school
- 27. family dog’s incredible feat
- 28. item purchased with your paycheck
- 29. a favorite song
- 30. family dog
- 32. how you met Dad
- 33. instrument involved in an April fools joke in the past
- 1. only pet ever painted
- 2. your dad’s favorite church hymn
- 3. ____Inn
- 4. what you stole from your grandma
- 5. legendary football player
- 9. your mom’s favorite Xmas song
- 13. ginger mascot
- 15. favorite song or boat name
- 16. name of flower in modern dance Nutcracker
- 18. favorite toy
- 19. your job title
- 22. college
- 23. Happy ____ Mom!
- 24. first married dog
- 26. Eckrich reunion party boat
- 31. number of dogs named Candy