  1. 2. what was our first discord interaction about in my server
  2. 3. your first bts song
  3. 7. a bug that you hate.
  4. 9. how long we will be together for
  5. 13. your favorite movie
  6. 14. your imaginary friend
  7. 16. the first place we planned to go to for our honeymoon
  8. 17. your favorite flower
  9. 19. the skin i showed you during our first ever conversation (valorant skin)
  10. 20. your favorite sanrio character
  11. 21. food that you despise
  1. 1. your favorite ice cream flavor
  2. 3. the month we met
  3. 4. first game we played together
  4. 5. your favorite romance anime
  5. 6. your favorite energy drink
  6. 8. your alter ego name
  7. 10. your favorite lana del ray song
  8. 11. your bts bias
  9. 12. your favorite genshin character
  10. 15. a famous musician that you hate
  11. 18. first song i sent you that reminded me of you