Birthdays are awesome!

  1. 4. Third month of the year
  2. 5. We eat it on birthdays
  3. 6. It means "Drinks"
  4. 9. Teacher's birthday is in this month
  5. 10. You buy this for the birthday girl/birthday boy
  6. 12. Eighth month of the year
  7. 14. Seventh month of the year
  8. 15. Fourth month of the year
  9. 17. Teacher loves its sparkling sight
  1. 1. Eleventh month of the year
  2. 2. Tenth month of the year
  3. 3. First month of the year
  4. 7. Ninth birthday is in this month
  5. 8. Second month of the year
  6. 11. They are on the cake and you blow them out
  7. 13. Sixth month of the year
  8. 16. Fifth month of the year