BIS 2111 Revision

  1. 2. process of selecting data from one or more sources and reading the selected data is known as _____.
  2. 4. _______ data represents the labels of multiple classes used to divide a variable into specific groups.
  3. 7. _____ will identify the primary location where data is collected.
  4. 8. _______ refers to the practice of searching of hidden, valid and potentially useful patterns in huge data sets.
  5. 9. User _____ allows access and easy manipulation of other Business Intelligence components.
  6. 10. Business _____ are the tools that allows transformation of data into information & knowledge.
  1. 1. ______ refers to DW characteristics in which data are stored in read-only formation and does not change over time.
  2. 3. Business Intelligence helps ____ data into information.
  3. 5. ______ refers to the process of putting the converted (transformed) data into the Data Warehouse.
  4. 6. is a data mining technique that tells the nature of future occurrences of certain events based on what has happened in the past.