BJU 8, Chapter 5

  1. 3. According to the ___ geologic time scale, the lowest stratum of the geologic column would represent the Creation event
  2. 5. Secular geologists believe this was caused by a collision (still exists today)
  3. 6. According to ____ ____ geologists, the order of fossils in the fossil record is based on the ability of organisms to flee rising waters during the Flood
  4. 9. ____ plate tectonics produced rapid movements of tectonic plates during a short amount of time
  5. 12. Oceanic plates are sliding under continental plates
  6. 13. The study for the earth-shaping processes and the structures they form is called ______
  7. 15. This we know for certain; ho human was present to view the earth's _____
  8. 16. a layer of rock (geologic term)
  9. 20. ______ subduction is a feature of John Baumgardner's catastrophic plate tectonics theory
  10. 21. An old-earth geologist would use a ___ local catastrophe to help explain a fossil graveyard
  11. 23. According to the nebular hypothesis, all planets began as this
  1. 1. According to old-earth geologists, a ___ cooling of both continents and oceans was necessary for a glacial period to begin
  2. 2. Geologists determine the relative date of a rock layer by applying the principle of _____
  3. 4. magnetic _____ have been used to hypothesize which continents were at one time joined
  4. 5. Secular scientists believe this feature (that still exists today) formed first
  5. 7. According to a young-earth view, you would expect to find the greatest number and variety of fossils during this period
  6. 8. The planets ____ and Uranus raise major questions about the validity of the commonly accepted model for the origin of the universe because of the way they rotate
  7. 10. Sea-floor spreading occurs at mid-ocean ___
  8. 11. This hypothesis was developed by secular scientists to describe how our solar system came into existence
  9. 14. Secular geologists believe this was made of many continental plates (one big continent)
  10. 17. These plates can be both continental and oceanic
  11. 18. ___ and his family spent 371 days on the Ark
  12. 19. Sea floor spreading is thought to be driven by this layer of the earth
  13. 22. What was created first in the young-earth story