- 2. Cooke Wright
- 6. McCune Smith
- 9. Lee Crumpler
- 10. Carson
- 11. jordan
- 14. movement
- 18. tubman
- 19. Obama
- 22. obama
- 24. movement
- 26. Bus Boycott
- 27. Boykin
- 28. Railroad
- 30. vs. Board of education
- 32. rights act of 1964
- 33. jackson
- 35. hamer
- 1. Douglass
- 3. movement
- 4. Drew
- 5. rock nine
- 7. luther king
- 8. x
- 10. T. Washington
- 12. and wellness
- 13. Parks
- 15. riders
- 16. Bath
- 17. vs. Ferguson
- 20. Till
- 21. rights act of 1965
- 23. Hale Williams
- 25. Carter Fuller
- 26. cj walker
- 29. Elders
- 30. history month
- 31. turner
- 34. Jemison