02/14/2022 American Heart Month

  1. 3. Is a risk factor for heart disease. A disorder involving excessive body fat that increases the risk of health problems.
  2. 6. Lower chamber of the heart.
  3. 7. Blood Pressure Is a risk factor for heart disease. Also known as hypertension. Describes when the force of blood flowing through your blood vessels is too high.
  4. 8. Having too much of the bad version of this can lead to heart disease. A waxy, fat-like substance that can be found in all the cells in your body.
  5. 10. Day of the week that statistics show is when most heart attacks occur.
  6. 11. Blood flows through this to move from the heart to the body.
  7. 13. Muscular organ that is roughly the same size as your fist.
  8. 14. Getting 30 minutes of this per day, 5 days a week can help prevent heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.
  1. 1. Is a risk factor for heart disease. A group of diseases that result in too much sugar in the blood (high blood glucose).
  2. 2. Common over-the-counter medication that improves outcomes during a heart attack.
  3. 4. An implanted device that helps regulate the heartrate.
  4. 5. Connects upper chamber of the heart to the lower chamber.
  5. 9. Saying goes "___ is the best medicine," Doing this often can promote healthier blood vessels and help prevent cardiovascular disease.
  6. 10. An abnormal heart sound.
  7. 12. Upper chamber of the heart.