Black History Month

  1. 2. Dr. Carter G _________ is referred to as the Father of Black History.
  2. 3. The first self-made Millionaire was Madame C J _________
  3. 5. Name of the first black professional basketball team
  4. 8. George Washington Carver derived nearly 300 products from this nut
  5. 9. She sings the theme song for the children's program Reading Rainbow.
  6. 10. Richard ________ patented the automatic gear shift.
  7. 11. Month when Black History Month is observed.
  1. 1. Gabby _______ became the first Black gymnast to win a Gold Medal in the Olympics
  2. 4. Thurgood ________ was the first African American on the Supreme Court
  3. 6. Alexander Miles invented a flexible belt and automatic doors to make this device safer.
  4. 7. February 12 is the anniversary of this organization