Black History Month

  1. 4. unfair treatment of people because of their religion, race, or their country of origin
  2. 8. a public show of group feelings about a case
  3. 9. Black History Month takes place in which month?
  4. 11. refused to give up seat on the bus to a white man and was arrested
  5. 13. In 1967 became the first African American justice on the Supreme Court.
  1. 1. In 1966 became the first African American to serve as a President's adviser.
  2. 2. peaceful actions to bring about change.
  3. 3. In April 1963 Dr. King led a series of protest marches here
  4. 5. President who asked Congress to pass the civil rights bill
  5. 6. the bringing together of people of all races
  6. 7. to express an objection to what someone has said or done
  7. 10. African American leader who wanted change to happen faster and did not agree with nonviolence.
  8. 12. became the first African American woman elected to Congress.