- 3. the fuel that a star runs off of
- 5. a star that is in the main sequence
- 7. surface of a black hole
- 9. the opposite of blue shifting
- 10. the force that pulls objects downward
- 12. the biggest type of black hole
- 14. a region around a black hole where light or energy can ecape
- 15. light and energy
- 1. a theory that suggests a black hole leads to a new place
- 2. mathematical representation of a black hole
- 4. a place in the black hole where there is no return
- 5. the smallest type of black hole
- 6. the largest stage that a high mass star gets
- 8. the type of star that has the highest mass
- 11. a system with two orbiting stars
- 13. what happens to a high mass star at the end of its life