Black Mammalogists Week: Different Types, Methods of, and Tech Used, in Mammal Research

  1. 2. Researchers who study _ ecology study interactions between mammalian species and how they form communities.
  2. 4. The Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute has one of these underwater microphones to listen to whale sounds.
  3. 8. The environmental form of "the building block of life" which can be used to look at what species are present in an area, how many are there, what they're eating, how sick they are, and more.
  4. 10. A 2022 study investigating how hippos recognize each other's voices in territorial disputes can be filed under this field.
  5. 12. The acronym of a system which makes specific kinds of noises (like humans talking) and records the response of a wild mammal (or another animal) to that sound.
  6. 13. Researchers who study _ ecology study how the abundance of a mammalian species changes over space and time.
  7. 14. Also called "machine learning", researchers are now using this to help identify mammals (and other species) in pictures, videos, mp3s, and more.
  1. 1. A collection of bacteria, fungi, and viruses that live in the body, this thing has become more common to study in mammals, as it tells researchers how healthy or stressed an animal is.
  2. 3. This trained mammal can be used in diet and physiological studies to sniff out poop (or scat) left behind by other mammals.
  3. 5. Researchers who study _ ecology study how mammals lives and thrives in a city.
  4. 6. This community science initiative/app allows you to upload your "observations" of mammals (and other species), which scientists can later use for research.
  5. 7. The study of the second most common group of mammals.
  6. 9. Big cats are obsessed with this cologne, which can be useful when it comes to hair traps (traps which collect hair/fur, which can be used for genetic and dietary studies).
  7. 11. In backpack, tag, or collar form, this system allows researchers to determine where mammals are spatially using satellites.