Black Wellness Matters-Nutrition Series 1&2

  1. 3. Minutes of moderate pace physical activity recommended at least five days a week
  2. 5. Half of your plate should consist of this food group
  3. 8. Number of ounces for fruit juice serving
  4. 9. What foods are at the top of the African Heritage Diet pyramid
  5. 10. Number of ounces for cheese serving
  1. 1. A versatile plant protein
  2. 2. African Americans are affected by this disease in higher numbers than white Americans
  3. 3. Number of ounces for meat serving
  4. 4. Used as a remedy for various illnesses and is considered a culinary delicacy
  5. 6. Appetite increasing hormone
  6. 7. 7 to 8 hours of this activity is recommended to aid in weight loss