- 4. great place to find affordable hand bags
- 7. blakes favorite city
- 9. best star wars
- 11. handheld gaming system
- 13. best place to shop for large amounts
- 15. city of first date
- 17. sport blake played in hs #1
- 18. best boyfriend in the world
- 20. sport blake played in hs #2
- 21. sport blake played in hs #3
- 1. kirk
- 2. suitcase color
- 3. sport blake played in hs #4
- 5. highschool mascot bv
- 6. mass st. restaurant
- 8. best black jedi
- 10. bread comparison
- 12. home course
- 13. my dog's name
- 14. blakes favorite sport
- 16. sport blake played in hs #5
- 19. middle name