- 1. What did God call the dry land that appeared when He drew the waters under the heavens together? (Genesis 1:10)
- 3. Who told Noah to take his family and the animals and to enter the ark? (Genesis 7:1)
- 5. How many priest were each to bear a trumpet before the ark? (Joshua 6:4)
- 7. God did what on the seventh day? (Genesis 2:2)
- 11. Who did Joshua say gave them the city of Jericho? (Joshua 6: 16)
- 14. Who shut the door of the ark? (Genesis 7:16)
- 18. How many days did the waters prevail on the earth? (Genesis 7:24)(3 words)
- 21. On the 3rd day, what sprouted from the earth? (Genesis 1:11)(3 words)
- 22. God said, "Let us make man in our what, after our likeness? (Genesis 1:26)
- 23. Rahab told the spies, "the LORD your God, he is what in the heavens and on the earth beneath?" (Joshua 2:11)
- 2. Jesus fulfilled at least how many prophecies form the Old Testament? (2 words) (Google it!!!)
- 4. How many times where the men of war to march around Jericho for six days? (Joshua 6:3)
- 6. On the 5th day, God created swarms of living what and what that flew in the air? (Genesis 20) (2 words)
- 8. How many spies did Rahab hide? (Joshua 2:1)
- 9. The priest stood on what in the midst of the Jordan as the people passed through the Jordan? (Joshua 3:17) (2 words)
- 10. What did God put between the waters on the 2nd day that he called heaven? (Genesis 1:6
- 11. What was created on the 1st day and separated from the darkness? (Genesis 1:3)
- 12. On what day did God created the animals that roam the earth, man and woman? (Genesis 1:24-31)
- 13. What day did God make the greater and the lesser lights and the stars? (Genesis 1:16, 19)
- 15. The LORD told Joshua He was going to show the Israelites that as the LORD was with whom, so He was with Joshua? (Joshua 3:7)
- 16. God told Noah he would enter the ark because he was what? (Genesis 7:1)
- 17. What were the people to do when they heard the long blast from the ram's horn? (Joshua 6:5)
- 19. How many words were supposed to come out of the people's mouths before they had marched around the city seven times on the seventh day and heard the ram's horn? (Joshua 6:10)
- 20. How many times were they to march around Jericho on the seventh day? (Joshua 6:4)