- 3. The ________ gust was so furious, it knocked all four boys down at once. P. 88
- 6. The sled rocked back and forth like a tiny boat on a _________ ocean. P. 85
- 9. The men were so caked with snow and ice, they looked like walking ___________! P. 80
- 11. John realized Peter was reciting one of the long, boring poems that Miss Ruell had made them _________. P. 92
- 13. The boys lunged forward, crawling ________ through the snowdrifts toward the house. P. 89
- 16. The haystack became a little _______. It was just big enough for the boys all to fit. P. 91
- 17. John didn’t want be far away from _________ but he knew Miss Ruell would keep her safe. P. 82
- 19. Even the blanket didn’t provide protection. The glassy ice raked at his ________ like tiny claws. P. 83
- 21. Even though John might not be a real ______ like Rex, he knew they had to get out of this wind and snow. P. 90
- 22. John felt the last of his body’s warmth ______ out of him, like blood leaking from a deep cut. P. 88
- 24. Sometimes, John would fall and one of his friends would grab his arms and ________ him back up. P. 88
- 25. Just as Mr. Lowry snapped the reins, the wind howled viciously and a hunk of the _________ roof came off! P. 83
- 26. Myra’s Father, Mr. Johnson and Mr. Lowry brought three ________ to transport the children to the hotel to wait out the blizzard. P. 81
- 1. To keep from falling asleep, the boys counted to one thousand and then did it again ________. P. 92
- 2. After John jumped off the sled and rolled aside, he felt _______ when he saw that Sven, Rex and Peter had made it safely off the sled as well. P. 86
- 4. This word means “injured by repeated blows or punishment.” The boys were _______ by the maniac wind. P. 88
- 5. “Close” was a word that meant nothing in a blizzard. John felt the Ricker house might as well be on the ______. P. 87
- 7. John remembered that the fox had _______ in the haystack overnight. P. 90
- 8. The hands and feet of John, Sven, Rex and Peter were completely ________ from the cold. P. 86
- 10. The children had to hurry, when they were being rescued, because (Myra’s father said), the horses were _________. P. 81
- 12. After Mr. Lowry tumbled to the ground, the horse took off in _______ - dragging the sled, with John and the guys, with it! P. 84
- 14. This word means “a dead body, especially of a human being rather than an animal.” P. 87
- 15. Was this ________ storm finally dying …. Or was John? P. 93
- 18. Going outside in the brutal cold, the snow poured down. The children felt like they were standing under a ________ made of snow and ice. P. 82
- 20. The wind’s nonstop scream _______ through John’s skull, deep into his brain. P. 87
- 21. The boys took turns telling stories; John told them the name of every player on the Chicago baseball team, and they said _________ (to keep from falling asleep). P. 92
- 23. This word means “likely to have an unfortunate and inescapable outcome; defeat, disaster, death. P. 87