Blood and Blood Splatter

  1. 3. two-dimensional view of the intersection of lines formed by drawing a line through the main axis of at least two drops of blood that indicates the general area of the source of the blood spatter
  2. 5. smaller droplets of blood projected from larger drops of blood upon impact with a surface
  3. 6. a flexible, flat material made by interlacing yarns
  4. 7. clumping of cells caused by an antigen
  5. 14. picture of the paired homologous chromosomes and sex chromosomes in a cell
  6. 15. smeared blood pattern created when an object moves through blood that is not completely dried
  7. 17. reagents substance use to confirm human blood
  8. 19. the combination of details in the shapes and positions of ridges in fingerprints that makes each unique; also called ridge characteristics
  9. 22. group of plant species in an area dominated by one species that share the same habitat requirements
  10. 23. reaction in which antibodies attach to specific antigens; causes agglutination in cross blood-type
  11. 24. the attraction between molecules of like substances
  12. 25. the attraction between molecules of unlike substances
  13. 26. elongated blood streak radiating away from the center of a bloodstain
  1. 1. location of the blood source viewed in three dimensions as determined by projecting angles of impact of individual bloodstains
  2. 2. proteins secreted by white blood cells that attach to specific antigens
  3. 4. blood projected onto a surface as a result of being flung from an object in motion
  4. 8. angleat which blood strikes a target surface relative to the horizontal plane of the target surface
  5. 9. a fingerprint pattern in which the ridge pattern flows inward and returns in the direction of the origin
  6. 10. substance used to locate blood
  7. 11. blood drop created solely as a result of gravity
  8. 12. blood pattern resulting from a lateral transfer from a moving source onto another surface
  9. 13. small, repeating molecules that can link to form polymers
  10. 16. cirrculating connective tissue consisting of three compnents: red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets
  11. 18. portion of a gene that is not expressed
  12. 20. substance that provokes an immune response in the body
  13. 21. the female reproductive part of a flower where eggs are produced