Blood Splatter Vocabulary

  1. 3. Spatter pattern that can result from impact with blunt object (3 words)
  2. 5. Force caused by intermolecular forces at the surface of a liquid
  3. 6. Path left by a bleeding victim as they are moved from one location to another (2words)
  4. 7. Blood that breaks free from a main drop of blood
  5. 8. An area inside a bloodstain that is absent of blood
  6. 10. Force that holds blood molecules together
  7. 11. Angle at which a blood droplet strikes a surface (3words)
  8. 12. Transfer of blood onto a surface by a bloody object
  9. 13. Blood pattern that results due to pumping action of the heart (2words)
  10. 16. Longer than it is wide
  11. 17. Speed
  1. 1. results when blood flies off an object in motion (2words)
  2. 2. Fine mist spatter resulting from gunshot wound (3words)
  3. 4. Force that pulls an object down
  4. 9. Blood dropping from 90 degrees (2words)
  5. 12. A grouping of bloodstains
  6. 14. Pointed edges of a stain (connected to the main drop)
  7. 15. Point where the blood came from