Blood Transfusion Buzzwords

  1. 2. A decreased volume of circulating blood in the body
  2. 4. a toxin or other foreign substance which induces an immune response in the body
  3. 6. Infection of red blood cells by a parasite called Babesia
  4. 7. A bacterial infection carried by fleas, ticks, lice and sand flies that dogs and cats can get in their bloodstream
  5. 8. formation of clumps of cells
  6. 9. Bacteria that parasitize red blood cells and can induce hemolytic anemia
  7. 10. Intestinal parasite that infects dogs that ingest uncooked salmon or trout harboring infected flukes
  1. 1. antibodies produced against foreign antigens introduced by transfusion or pregnancy
  2. 3. deficiency of platelets
  3. 5. substances able to produce an immune response