Blood Transfusion Review

  1. 3. Fever, chills, headache, nausea, vomiting, dyspnea, cough, chest/flank pain, skin rash/hives, hematuria, and mottling are all signs of a(n) __________
  2. 4. Never administer blood that is ___________
  3. 6. Blood must be hung by __________ at 1159 of pre-transfusion lab draw
  4. 9. The four patient identifiers that must be checked include: patient name, date of birth, medical record number, and ___________
  5. 11. After blood has infused, document a ____________ note in the electronic medical record regarding transfusion and patient tolerance
  6. 14. The MD order must include blood, the amount to be transfused, __________ transfusion rate, and any pre-medication order
  7. 15. Prior to starting transfusion, verify that informed______________ was obtained
  8. 18. Forms to be completed before transfusion include ____________Transfusion Requisition form and order form for blood
  9. 19. Check blood for accuracy and compatibility with another nurse or doctor at the patient’s ___________
  10. 22. Prior to obtaining blood from the lab, start ___________ via the infusion pump at the physician ordered rate
  11. 23. Vital signs must be taken at baseline, 15 minutes, 1 hour later, and at the ___________ of transfusion
  12. 24. After hours the ANC will release and retrieve the blood to the inpatient unit, the nurse is to ___________ANC to verify the blood
  13. 26. The person drawing the pre-labs will identify the patient by using ________ patient identifiers
  1. 1. The blood MUST be completed within ________ hours
  2. 2. The amount of blood to be transfused must be ordered in ____________
  3. 5. ____________reactions can occur within the first 15 minutes
  4. 7. Blood MUST be hung within _________ minutes of issue from lab
  5. 8. If a transfusion reaction is suspected, _________ blood immediately
  6. 10. If transfusion reaction occurs, two blood specimens (6-ml pink tubes) and a _________ must be completed
  7. 11. if a transfusion reaction occurs, a(n) __________ must be completed
  8. 12. Wait at least ______ hour (s) after infusion to obtain post transfusion labs, or as ordered by physician
  9. 13. The nurse must remain with the patient for the first ___________ minutes of the transfusion
  10. 16. After completion of transfusion, dispose of tubing and blood bad in red plastic bag and place in _________ container
  11. 17. Visual inspection of the blood within the lab includes inspection of color, container is intact, product with within the date, and ____________
  12. 20. Before spiking blood bag with Y-tubing, ________ it several times
  13. 21. Blood should be documented via the ___________
  14. 22. If unable to use TAR, each unit of blood/blood component is documented on a ____ downtime form
  15. 25. At a minimum, 1-6ml __________ will always be drawn when obtaining type and cross-match