- 1. When the left ventricle contracts, oxygenated blood flows through the___ valve.
- 4. Doc McStuffins wears a___ to listen to her patient’s heart sounds.
- 6. Periods of ventricular and atrial relaxation.
- 8. Heart beats too fast at rest (>100 bpm) causes___
- 12. When the left atrium contracts, blood is pushed through the… valve.
- 15. Deoxygenated blood is turned into oxygenated blood when it is delivered to the___ and then returned into the left atrium.
- 16. The ___ phase of an action potential in contractile cells of the myocardium, is in response to an influx of calcium ions.
- 19. Electrocardiogram records the ___ Activity of the heart.
- 20. The left ventricle is a ___ pressure system that pumps blood via the aorta.
- 21. Cardiac___ is defined as disorders of heart rhythms or heart rate.
- 22. Muscular layer of the heart that contracts.
- 23. Our body’s “fight or flight” response is the activation of our… nervous system.
- 24. The primary cardiac pacemaker:
- 28. The most common heart valve disorder, ___ Valve Prolapse occurs when the valve connecting the left atrium and ventricle do not function to close properly.
- 30. Refers to the pressure the ventricles of the heart need to overpower to pump blood into the arteries.
- 32. In Frank-Starling Law of the Heart states that the higher of a ___/EDV correlate to a higher stroke volume.
- 34. In concerns to fetal blood, the___ is responsible for oxygenating blood and removing CO2.
- 37. Cardiac myocytes (muscle cells of the heart) depend on ___ respiration.
- 39. The septum which separates the two atria of the heart.
- 40. The phase of the cardiac cycle which allows for contraction of the heart muscle and pumps blood out of the chambers is known as:
- 41. When the AV valves close, the heart makes this noise:
- 42. This heart defect occurs in 1 in 1500 births. It is caused by a narrowed aorta that pushes the left ventricle in working overtime: _____ of the aorta.
- 43. Cardiac muscle differs from skeletal muscle as cardiac muscle contains ___ Disks.
- 44. Contractility rises when more ___ penetrates the cytoplasm of the muscle.
- 45. The amount of blood held within the ventricles at the end of diastole is referred to as: ___ Diastolic Volume.
- 2. The fourth phase of the cardiac cycle is known as___ relaxation. This occurs when the myocardium relaxes and allows for ventricular filling.
- 3. The narrowing of valves that prevents blood from flowing through is referred to as___
- 5. Heart beating too slow (<60 bp) is also known as:
- 7. The posterior surface of the heart is drained into the coronary sinus through the___ cardiac vein.
- 9. The QRS-complex displays the ___ myocardium depolarization of the heart.
- 10. The T-wave corresponds to ventricular myocardium ___
- 11. Blood is forced back into the atrium when valve leaflets do not properly close. This is referred to as:
- 13. A heart attack is the sudden and complete blockage of blood flow/artery to the heart, which is also referred to as myocardial___
- 14. When using a stethoscope, an abnormal third sound may be produced in response to a valve not closing completely.
- 17. ___ ionotropic agents permit an increase of contractility.
- 18. These events occur as a response to electrical events in the heart.
- 25. Unlike the lungs, where the apex is superior to the base; the heart’s apex is ___ to its base.
- 26. Cardiac ___ occurs when the heart is compressed with fluid within its sac.
- 27. The detection of low blood pressure that is caused by low blood volume are through:
- 29. This electrical activity of the heart is hidden behind the QRS wave and not present on an ECG. Also known as ___ myocardium repolarization.
- 31. Atrial ___ is characterized by the irregular and rapid heartbeat of the atria.
- 33. The superior and inferior vena cava delivers___ blood into the right atrium.
- 35. The regulation of the involuntary movements of the body, such as the heartbeat is the responsibility of the ___ Nervous System.
- 36. Heart Rate x Stroke Volume= ___ Output
- 38. Once the lungs become functional after birth, the foramen ovale closes and leaves behind a remanent referred to as the ___ ovalis.