- 3. medical device-self sheathing syringe
- 4. type of disease transmitted to others
- 6. is HIV curable
- 8. number of years employees medical records are kept
- 9. second step in chain of infection
- 11. disease caused by invasion of microorganisms
- 13. medication that treats Hep B
- 15. human immunodeficiency virus
- 16. times a year to complete bloodborne path. refresher
- 17. inflammation of liver
- 20. after exposure wash with this
- 21. washing is the best way to avoid spreading germs
- 23. is eyewear reusable
- 24. solution of one to ten parts used to clean spills
- 1. when body develops antibodies to pathogen
- 2. what employee signs after refusing Hep B vacc
- 5. the outside of your gown is considered this
- 7. what causes hepatitis
- 10. name based reporting method to monito HIV
- 12. hepatitis caused by excessive alcohol
- 14. container for sharps
- 18. amount of months to wait for 2nd HIV testing/seroconversion
- 19. agency that developed bloodborne pathogen standard
- 22. for which patients should standard precautions be used