Bluey Crossword

  1. 1. What breaks in Hammerbarn? The ____.
  2. 5. What does Muffin act out in Charades?
  3. 9. Bingo's special toy
  4. 10. Who stays up very late in the Sleepover?
  5. 12. What fruit does the rug in Bluey and Bingo's room look like?
  6. 13. Bluey visits the market with _ dollarbucks.
  1. 2. The main character of the show
  2. 3. Who does a handstand while Grandma watches
  3. 4. What episode do Bingo and Bluey try to get their Dad to clean the playroom for them?
  4. 5. What does baby Bluey do instead of crawling?
  5. 6. _____ gecko
  6. 7. The magic xylo_____.
  7. 8. Here come the _____.
  8. 11. What magic power does the xylophone have? The ability to:____.