
  1. 3. Limbs on which a person or animal walks and stands (plural)
  2. 6. Two organs in the chest with which people and some animals breathe
  3. 8. An arm joint
  4. 10. Back
  5. 13. One of a series of 12 curved bones that occur in pairs
  6. 16. Limbs on which a person or animal walks and stands (plural)
  7. 17. A part of the body that sweats very much
  8. 19. The front part of the head
  9. 20. A part of the finger that girls paint (plural)
  10. 21. A clapping tool
  11. 22. The second largest internal organ
  1. 1. A soft part of the body with which we sit on something
  2. 2. Two oval organs that produce sperm in men (plural)
  3. 4. The internal organ in which the major part of the digestion of food occurs
  4. 5. A part of the body that is a sign of love
  5. 7. Male genital organ
  6. 9. Limbs of the human body from the shoulder to the hand
  7. 11. Female genital organ
  8. 12. Two oval organs that produce sperm in men (plural)
  9. 13. A part of the body that sweats very much
  10. 14. The middle joint of the leg that allows the leg to bend
  11. 15. Ends of the arm (plural)
  12. 18. Human skeleton is made of this