
  1. 3. it’s above your brows
  2. 6. you put your backpack on them
  3. 7. Where you find your belt
  4. 8. You can break them while skiing
  5. 11. They become red when you are embarrassed
  6. 12. part of your nose
  7. 14. They are the fingers of your feet
  8. 15. It’s full when you drink a lot
  1. 1. Achille’s flaw
  2. 2. It’s where you keep your watch
  3. 4. you put mascara on them
  4. 5. Snow White has them red
  5. 9. You have two but you bend one in front of the king
  6. 10. You air is here
  7. 11. It’s under your mouth
  8. 13. It’s empty after school
  9. 15. It hurts when you grow old