
  1. 2. The part of the face used for smelling and breathing.
  2. 4. The part of the body where the face and brain are located.
  3. 7. The digits on the hands used for gripping and manipulating small objects.
  4. 8. Hard structures in the mouth used for biting and chewing food.
  5. 10. The tissues in the body that help with movement and strength.
  6. 13. The hard structures that make up the skeleton and provide support to the body.
  7. 15. The digits on the feet that help with balance and walking.
  1. 1. The lower part of the legs that make contact with the ground when standing or walking.
  2. 3. The outer covering of the body that protects the internal organs.
  3. 5. The upper limbs of the body used for reaching, lifting, and carrying objects.
  4. 6. The parts of the body used for standing, walking, and running.
  5. 9. The parts of the body at the end of the arms used for grasping and manipulating objects.
  6. 11. The organs on the sides of the head that help us hear.
  7. 12. The opening in the face used for eating, speaking, and tasting.
  8. 14. The organs that allow us to see.