
  1. 1. The rear surface of the body
  2. 3. The opening in the face used for eating and speaking
  3. 4. The upper part of the body where the face is located
  4. 5. An organ used for seeing objects
  5. 7. The upper limb of the body
  6. 8. The lower part of the leg used for standing and walking
  7. 10. The organ where food is digested
  8. 11. The body part that connects the foot and the hip
  9. 12. An organ used for hearing sounds
  1. 1. The hard material that makes up the skeleton
  2. 2. The part of the body between the neck and the abdomen
  3. 4. The organ that pumps blood throughout the body
  4. 6. The part of the face used for smelling and breathing
  5. 9. The body part at the end of the arm
  6. 10. The joint connecting the arm to the body