
  1. 2. The upper limb of the body extending from the shoulder to the hand
  2. 4. The joint where the arm connects to the body
  3. 5. The opening in the face used for eating, speaking, and tasting
  4. 6. The upper part of the body that contains the brain, eyes, nose, mouth, and ears
  5. 7. The front part of the body between the neck and abdomen, containing the heart and lungs
  6. 10. The part of the body that connects the head to the rest of the body
  7. 12. The facial organ used for smelling and breathing
  8. 13. The organ of hearing located on the sides of the head
  9. 14. The lower limb of the body extending from the hip to the foot
  1. 1. The body part at the end of the arm, used for grasping and manipulating objects
  2. 3. The body part at the end of the leg, used for standing, walking, and running
  3. 4. The organ in the body where food is digested
  4. 8. The organ of sight located in the head
  5. 9. The digits at the end of the foot
  6. 11. The joint in the middle of the leg that allows bending and straightening