
  1. 2. The long and sturdy support that helps us stand tall, walk, run, and leap with joy, exploring the world one step at a time.
  2. 4. The reliable support that carries us through life's challenges, allowing us to stand tall and giving gentle pats of comfort.
  3. 6. The trusty guide that helps us smell the sweet scent of flowers, the aroma of delicious food, and the crisp air after rain.
  4. 8. The strong and flexible limb that gives us the power to embrace, throw, catch, and wave hello to friends near and far.
  5. 12. The hungry little beast that growls and rumbles when it's time for a meal, ready to be filled with scrumptious delights.
  6. 14. The clever hinge in our arm, enabling us to reach and grasp, making daily tasks easier and tickling our funny bone.
  7. 15. The protective cage that houses our beating heart, reminding us of the love and emotions that make us who we are.
  1. 1. The command center of our body, housing the brilliant brain that thinks, dreams, and comes up with amazing ideas.
  2. 3. Like two curious explorers, they open the window to the world, allowing us to see the colors, shapes, and wonders around us.
  3. 5. The trusty joint that bends and flexes, allowing us to kneel, crawl, and jump, ready for adventures big and small.
  4. 7. The listening buddy that captures the melodies of music, the whispers of secrets, and the sounds of nature's symphony.
  5. 9. The gateway to laughter, friendship, and tasty treats, where words are formed and delicious food is enjoyed with gusto.
  6. 10. Our versatile helpers, ready to create, build, draw, and give comforting hugs, always reaching out to lend a helping hand.
  7. 11. The soft landing spot for weary heads, and the strength that helps us carry burdens and share warm hugs with loved ones.
  8. 13. The steady foundation that carries us on grand adventures, whether skipping, jumping, dancing, or exploring new paths.