
  1. 3. A muscular organ in the mouth responsible for tasting, swallowing, and speaking. The tongue helps manipulate food during chewing, forms sounds for speech, and contains taste buds that detect different flavors.
  2. 4. The muscular organ that pumps blood throughout the body. The heart is located in the chest and is responsible for supplying oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and organs, ensuring their proper functioning.
  3. 6. The outer covering of the body that protects internal organs and tissues. The skin acts as a barrier against harmful substances, regulates body temperature, and contains sensory receptors for touch and pain.
  4. 7. The opening in the face used for eating, speaking, and expressing emotions. The mouth contains teeth, a tongue, and salivary glands, and it serves as an entrance to the digestive and respiratory systems.
  5. 9. The facial organ used for breathing and smelling. The nose contains nostrils through which air is inhaled and exhaled, and it houses olfactory receptors that detect and distinguish various scents and odors.
  6. 11. The front part of the head that includes the eyes, nose, mouth, and other facial features. The face is associated with expressions, emotions, and sensory functions such as vision, smell, and taste.
  7. 12. The uppermost part of the body that contains the brain, eyes, nose, mouth, and other sensory organs. The head sits on top of the neck and is responsible for housing and protecting the brain and facilitating various senses.
  8. 14. The central organ of the nervous system and the control center of the body. The brain processes sensory information, controls thoughts and emotions, and coordinates body movements and functions.
  1. 1. The terminal part of the leg that comes into contact with the ground. Feet provide support, balance, and locomotion, enabling walking, running, and jumping.
  2. 2. The lower limb of the body that supports standing, walking, and running. Legs consist of the thigh, knee, shin, and foot and allow for mobility and balance.
  3. 4. The part of the body attached to the end of the arm, consisting of the palm, fingers, and thumb. Hands are used for gripping, grasping, manipulating objects, and performing intricate tasks with fine motor skills.
  4. 5. The upper limb of the body extending from the shoulder to the hand. Arms are used for various tasks, such as reaching, grasping, and manipulating objects, and they are connected to the torso through the shoulder joint.
  5. 6. An organ located in the abdomen that receives and breaks down food through the process of digestion. The stomach secretes digestive juices and acids to chemically break down food before it moves to the intestines.
  6. 8. Hard structures in the mouth used for biting, chewing, and grinding food. Teeth are firmly rooted in the jawbone and come in different shapes and sizes, with different types serving specific functions in the mouth.
  7. 10. The organ responsible for vision. Eyes detect light and convert it into electrical signals that the brain interprets as visual information. People have two eyes, allowing for depth perception and a wider field of view.
  8. 13. The organ responsible for hearing and balance. Ears capture sound waves and transmit them to the brain for interpretation. They also play a role in maintaining equilibrium and spatial orientation.