
  1. 2. The front part of your head that includes your eyes, nose, mouth, and cheeks. It helps you express emotions and communicate.
  2. 3. The opening on your face with lips and teeth. It is used for eating, speaking, and expressing emotions through smiles and frowns.
  3. 7. The outer covering of your body that protects your muscles and organs. It comes in different shades and helps you feel sensations.
  4. 9. The limbs attached to your shoulders that have hands at the ends. They allow you to reach, grab, and perform various activities.
  5. 10. The parts at the end of your legs that help you balance and walk. They have toes and soles, and are used for standing and running.
  6. 12. The parts of your body where your arms are connected. They help you lift and carry things and give you a broad shape.
  7. 14. The organs on the sides of your head that allow you to hear sounds. They help you listen to voices, music, and other noises.
  8. 15. The rear side of your body that runs from your neck to your waist. It helps you stand upright and protects your spinal cord.
  9. 16. The limbs attached to your hips that help you stand, walk, run, and jump. They provide support and help you move around.
  1. 1. The parts at the end of your arms with fingers and palms. They help you hold objects, write, play, and perform delicate tasks.
  2. 4. The uppermost part of your body that contains your brain, eyes, nose, mouth, and ears. It helps you see, hear, smell, and think.
  3. 5. The strands that grow on your head. It can be long or short, straight or curly, and comes in different colors and textures.
  4. 6. The part of your body that connects your head to your shoulders. It helps support your head and allows it to move in different ways.
  5. 7. The part of your body between your chest and pelvis. It helps digest food and holds your intestines.
  6. 8. The part of your face that sticks out and is used for smelling. It helps you detect different scents and odors in the air.
  7. 11. Part Description
  8. 13. The organs on your face that allow you to see. They help you perceive colors, shapes, and objects in your surroundings.