
  1. 3. The opening in the face used for eating, speaking, and expressing emotions.
  2. 5. The organ responsible for hearing, located on the sides of the head.
  3. 6. One of the two upper limbs extending from the shoulder to the hand.
  4. 9. The part of the face that protrudes above the mouth, used for smelling and breathing.
  5. 11. The part of the body that contains the brain, eyes, nose, and mouth.
  6. 12. The lower extremity of the leg, used for standing and walking.
  7. 13. Hard, rigid structures that make up the skeleton and provide support for the body.
  8. 14. One of the two lower limbs extending from the hip to the foot.
  1. 1. The organ that pumps blood throughout the body, located in the chest.
  2. 2. The control center of the body, responsible for thinking, feeling, and coordinating actions.
  3. 4. The part of the body at the end of the arm, used for grasping and manipulating objects.
  4. 5. The organ responsible for vision, located in the head.
  5. 7. Soft tissues in the body that contract and relax to produce movement.
  6. 8. Hard, white structures in the mouth used for biting and chewing food.
  7. 10. The outer covering of the body, protecting the internal organs.