
  1. 2. Something that scientists use in chemistry
  2. 5. To ___is to try to fight or to hurt.
  3. 8. They are not in danger.
  4. 9. They feel fear
  5. 13. It means a large number or amount of people, animals, things,
  6. 15. Second or a very short time.
  7. 16. To give an answer or say back to someone
  8. 17. A room where a scientist works.
  1. 1. An unpleasant sound.
  2. 3. Look for or search for an animal to kill.
  3. 4. It is strong and very easy to hear.
  4. 6. It is very bad.
  5. 7. To make something new.
  6. 10. It happens after a longtime or at the end.
  7. 11. Something that you do not tell other people
  8. 12. The lowest part
  9. 14. Something means to use your nose to sense it
  10. 18. To___ is to say"yes" or to think the same way