  1. 2. - Part of the body where the face is located.
  2. 4. - Joints connecting the thighs and lower legs.
  3. 6. - Organs on the sides of the head for hearing.
  4. 8. - Body parts used for standing and walking.
  5. 9. - Joints connecting the upper and lower arms.
  6. 12. - Body parts with fingers and thumbs for grasping.
  7. 14. - Digits at the ends of the feet.
  8. 15. - Lower limbs between the hips and feet.
  9. 16. - Muscular organ inside the mouth used for tasting and speaking.
  1. 1. - Rear surface of the body.
  2. 2. - Thread-like strands that grow on the scalp.
  3. 3. - Hard structures in the mouth used for biting and chewing.
  4. 5. - Outer covering of the body.
  5. 6. - Organs that allow us to see.
  6. 7. - Facial feature used for smelling and breathing.
  7. 8. - Thin digits at the ends of the hands.
  8. 10. - Area of the body between the chest and pelvis.
  9. 11. - Opening in the face used for eating and speaking.
  10. 13. - Limbs between the shoulders and hands.
  11. 17. - Part of the body connecting the head and shoulders.