Body Parts

  1. 1. Hard parts in your mouth that help you chew food.
  2. 4. Body parts you use to hear sounds.
  3. 5. A muscle in your mouth that helps you taste and talk.
  4. 7. The area where your food is digested.
  5. 9. The rear side of your body, opposite your front.
  6. 11. The opening where you eat, drink, and talk.
  7. 13. The lower limbs you use to walk and run.
  8. 14. The top part of your body that holds your brain.
  9. 15. The front part of your upper body, where your heart is.
  10. 18. The digits on your hands that you use to grip things.
  11. 19. The part of your face you use to smell things.
  1. 2. Organs you use to see things around you.
  2. 3. The joints that allow your legs to bend.
  3. 6. The part that connects your head to your body.
  4. 8. The upper limbs that connect your hands to your body.
  5. 9. The organ inside your head that controls everything.
  6. 10. The parts at the end of your legs that you stand on.
  7. 12. The digits on your feet, similar to fingers on hands.
  8. 16. The parts at the end of your arms with fingers.
  9. 17. The upper part of your body where your arms connect.