Body parts

  1. 1. The bad guy in the Lion King.
  2. 3. This connects your hand and arm.
  3. 6. This body part holds your heart.
  4. 9. You might lift these if you're amazed.
  5. 11. Used for thinking and headaches.
  6. 15. You stand on it.
  7. 16. The place where your food is digested (=verteerd).
  8. 17. The finger used for good things.
  9. 18. The part where you bend your leg.
  10. 20. What you shrug when you don't care.
  1. 2. "The thinker" (a famous statue of someone sitting down in a "thinking" position), is leaning on his hand with his...
  2. 4. Thirty white horses on a red hill. First they champ, then they stamp, then they stand still.
  3. 5. It comes in all types: curly, straight, wavy, ...
  4. 7. The upper part of your leg.
  5. 8. The part of the leg between the knee and ankle.
  6. 10. Where you wear a belt.
  7. 12. A nice word for "booty".
  8. 13. The fingers of your feet.
  9. 14. If you lift things the wrong way, this body part might hurt.
  10. 19. If you bite them, you have a bad habit.