Body Parts

  1. 2. When you stump your little ... it hurts a lot, even though it's so small.
  2. 3. You play soccer with your ...
  3. 5. When you congratulate someone you give that person a kiss on the ...
  4. 9. The part near the end of your leg making it able to move your feet.
  5. 11. The middle part of your body. Synonym for tummy.
  6. 13. When someone is confused they raise an ...
  7. 14. Used for listening (sing.)
  8. 17. You sit on your..
  9. 18. The upper part of your body, covering your lungs.
  10. 20. You applaud with your...
  11. 22. People sometimes talk behind your ...
  12. 24. You can't stand on only one ...
  1. 1. Clowns have a red ...
  2. 3. Everyone's ... looks different, except with identical twins.
  3. 4. To walk straight your pull your ... back (sing.)
  4. 6. You have 10 of them in total.
  5. 7. The frontside of the part between your head and the rest of your body.
  6. 8. Common injury among tennis players.
  7. 10. Look me in the ... when I'm talking to you!
  8. 12. Two lovers kiss each other on the ...
  9. 15. Used to wave.
  10. 16. Used to talk.
  11. 19. I got guns in my ... and they won't go. Spirits in my ... and they won't go.
  12. 21. The backside of the part between your head and the rest of your body.
  13. 23. The joint in the middle of your leg, making it able to bend your leg.