- 1. used to chew your food
- 4. organ you use to think
- 6. where the air goes through from your nose to your lungs
- 9. each part of the spine
- 10. where the food is processed
- 12. these are large and small
- 15. the largest bone of the human body
- 16. the openings of the nose
- 18. used for covering your eyes
- 19. used for kissing
- 20. the joint between the leg and foot
- 2. the joint between the upper arm and the forearm
- 3. the joint between the forearm and hand
- 5. inner part of a bone
- 7. organ that pumps blood through the body
- 8. percieve flavours on the toungue
- 11. where you apply deoderant
- 13. where you put an earing
- 14. if removed you may eat alot of icecream
- 17. the organs that process urine