Body parts

  1. 3. skiing used to be a dangerous activity for it
  2. 6. you grab/take things with them
  3. 8. you need them to eat
  4. 11. you wear your jacket on them
  5. 13. without them you are deaf
  6. 14. people who suffer from it wear a corset
  7. 15. skiing can be painful for them
  1. 1. you kiss with it or on it
  2. 2. a limb often injured by landmines
  3. 3. without them no hug
  4. 4. you have got ten
  5. 5. you sit on it
  6. 7. cycling competitors have big ones.
  7. 9. Louis XVI lost it
  8. 10. it is in the middle of your face
  9. 12. between the upper and lower arm
  10. 16. if it hurts you wear a surgical collar or a brace
  11. 17. without them you are blind