Body Rhythms and Mental States

  1. 4. Biological Rhythms continue to occur from within although there might be an absence of external factors (cues).
  2. 5. These are short bursts of rapid, high-peaking waves present in the 2nd stage of sleep.
  3. 7. ___________Rhythms occurs about once a day.
  4. 10. Obese individuals may suffer from a sudden gasp or choking sensation due to the temporary halt in breathing during their sleep.
  5. 11. During this period, also known as ‘paradoxical sleep’, the pattern of electrical activity in the brain resembles that of alert wakefulness
  6. 12. In the __________ approach, dreams emphasize the current concerns in one's life but no problem solving is manifested during sleep.
  7. 13. Dejuan find its extremely hard to fall asleep or stay asleep each night. What is Dejaun suffering from?
  8. 17. In the __________ approach, dreams are random mental images resulting from the spontaneous neural firing initiated in the pons.
  9. 20. The hormone involved with the regulation of the circadian rhythms.
  10. 21. ___________ Rhythms, periodic fluctuations in a biological system, are usually in tune with external cues like temperature and daylight.
  11. 23. These are very slow waves with very high peaks present in the last 3rd and 4th stage of sleep.
  1. 1. Maria frequently falls into deep sleeping episodes several times for the day. Doctors say that she is suffering from __________________.
  2. 2. Internal __________occurs when one’s circadian rhythms may be thrown out of phase when their normal routine changes.
  3. 3. ________ Disorder occurs when a sleeper is able to act out their dreams without awareness because muscle paralysis during sleep did not occur.
  4. 6. During _________ dreams, the person is aware that they are dreaming.
  5. 7. Hypnosis and the use of recreational drugs are used to hinder mental and physical awareness of the environment and oneself.
  6. 8. Longer periods of sleep deprivation may result in _______________.
  7. 9. Our __________controls the body's activities through the release of hormones based on the time of day.
  8. 14. These are regular, slow rhythmic waves with high amplitudes present during alert wakefulness.
  9. 15. In this approach, the dreams represent ongoing conscious problems in which the symbols and metaphors reveal the true meaning rather than disguising it.
  10. 16. In the _____________ approach, dreams express our unconscious wishes and desires, usually sexual or violent.
  11. 18. Many scientists believe that _________ and the retention of memories are mental benefits of sleep.
  12. 19. A nucleus in the brain that governs circadian rhythms.
  13. 20. ____________ content are what we consciously experience during sleep and may remember after awakened.
  14. 22. __________ content are the unconscious wishes and thoughts being expressed symbolically.