Body Systems

  1. 2. this system is responsible for delivering oxygen and nutrients throughout the body
  2. 5. involuntary/voluntary, striated, peristalsis
  3. 6. this system communicates using hormones
  4. 9. lungs, diaphragm, trachea, bronchi
  5. 10. key words for this system are fetus, ovaries, and gonads
  6. 11. a key word for the muscular system that means wave-like movements
  7. 12. this system excretes liquid waste(urine)
  1. 1. this system controls all other systems and includes the brain
  2. 2. another name for the cardiovascular system
  3. 3. this system contains the skin
  4. 4. this system is responsible for the ingestion, breakdown, and absorption of energy from food
  5. 7. antigens, antibodies, white blood cells, sickness, fever
  6. 8. helps the muscular system with movement