Body Systems

  1. 4. tube in your respiratory system
  2. 6. ___ have the largest brain of all animals
  3. 10. pumps your blood
  4. 13. number of bones in your spine
  5. 16. central nervous system consists of brain and ___
  6. 17. largest organ in the human body
  7. 19. this lung is bigger
  8. 20. anchor bones to muscles
  9. 21. number of chambers in your heart
  10. 22. approximately how many bones muscles in your body
  11. 25. the muscles that bends a joint
  12. 26. pigment in our skin
  13. 29. tube in your respiratory system
  14. 30. lining in the stomach to protect it from acid
  15. 32. spinal cord and brain are protected by this
  16. 35. valve in our body that opens to let food enter our intestines
  17. 36. stuff we make in our stomachs that our body digests
  1. 1. largest organ in the nervous system
  2. 2. branch on a neuron
  3. 3. number of chambers in your heart
  4. 5. chemical your body makes from the food you eat
  5. 7. move bones
  6. 8. used to cool our skin
  7. 9. approximately how many bones in your body
  8. 11. take blood away from your heart
  9. 12. nerve that makes your heart pump
  10. 14. first thing to break down food
  11. 15. brain sends messages through the ___ nervous system
  12. 18. for every thousand red blood cells you have __ white blood cells
  13. 23. tube in the digestive system
  14. 24. where blood cells are produced
  15. 27. tiny passages in our lungs
  16. 28. heart is a muscle and a __
  17. 31. food plus ___ makes energy
  18. 33. largest organ in the body
  19. 34. another name for the large intestine